A Voucher Code is a short code made up traditionally of text and numbers, common codes include SAVE10, SALE10 and VC10. There are hundreds of different combinations and usually dozens of active of codes with a retailer, the key is finding what they actually are. At Voucher Saver we do a lot of the leg work for you, but sometimes you might want to do some exploring yourself.
That is why we say don’t accept the working code you have just entered, if your code is made up of text and numbers try incrementing the number! You will be surprised how often this works.
So if you see SALE10, try SALE11 or SALE12. No one is going to know you have entered in a code multiple times. Worst case scenario you use the code you started with, this tip tends to work more often with smaller merchants who setup bulk codes to get their name over the internet.
We try our best to test all our codes but sometimes some slip through the net, if we had time we would try incremental codes. If you find one then contact us and we will add them for you, giving just credit.